Markham Berczy Settlers Association Meeting

Sunday, August 24. 2014  at 4 p.m. is the date and time for the annual meeting for the Association. I hope that we have a good turn out. Wouldn’t it be great if we could have people at the meeting who descend from the various families who arrived in Markham in 1794 with William Berczy von Moll.  Let’s see how many are represented. Many of the descendants of John and Anna Stiver will be in Markham for their family reunion and we hope many will be able to stay for our meeting at 4 p.m. at the Stiver Mill Cultural Centre. This is located off Main Street, Unionville on Station Lane.

If you can attend the unveiling of the plaque at the Mill at 2 p.m. you would be most welcome. The farmer’s market next door is open from 12 to 4  p.m.


  • Hear reports
  • Election of Officers and Board Members
  • Share research news
  • Discussion on MBSA  — any goals for future endeavors?

We hope to see you there.