Web Sites

Web Sites that might be of interest during your research

Berczy Settler Family Web Sites

The following are the known Berczy Settler family web sites. If you have a web site, please contact the webmaster at info@markhamberczysettlers.ca If you know of other websites that provide information related to the Markham Berczy settlers please let us know.
Busch – John Daniel Frederick Busch http://jdfbusch.tripod.com/

Stiver family www.bmts.com/~jiles
Helmkay family http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~russmcgillivray/

Berczy related links

Library and Archives Canada finding aid for William von Moll Berczy fonds finding aid

“Germans at Painted Post” in Corning NY, Evening Leader, part I – May 12, 1948, p. 12, part II – May 15, 1948, p. 3, part III – May 25, 1948, p. 2 found on Old Fulton NY Post cards (www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html – Search Berczy)

MacDonald, Eva M. (2004) “Towards a Historical Archaeology of the German-Canadians of Markham’s Berczy Settlement,” Northeast Historical Archaeology: Vol. 33: Iss. 1, Article 5.
Available at: http://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/neha/vol33/iss1/

Markham related links

Town of Markham and Unionville and District Information

Bethesda Evangelical Lutheran Church

Markham Historical Cemeteries  Check out this site to hear stories of some of the Markham Cemeteries where some of our Berczy Settler Ancestors and their descendants are buried.

German Web Sites

From September 27 to October 10, 2001 some of the Association members visited Germany with a focus on the areas we believe our ancestors lived, visiting Altona by land and sea (the point from which they embarked), and attending the festivities and witnessing the signing of the partnership between the Town of Markham and Nördlingen. The fall 2001 newsletter contains details and reflections on this trip.

Below are links to web sites of places and areas that were visited.

Celle – Can choose language

The Association assumes no responsibility for the availability, reliability of information or results of any links from this site.